Friday, January 23, 2009

Starting more seeds....

I had the kids help me start some more seeds today. Well, that was the plan. I had a whole list of seeds that I need to get going, but once the container of seeds packets was brought out, M just had to pick out his favorites (I had no idea he had favorite seeds!). He decided he wanted to grow Daisies and Lettuce.

Here he is with the package of Daisy seeds:

"The seeds are so small!" he exclaimed as half the package of seeds slid out onto the blanket we were sitting on.

M carefully deposits the seeds onto the soil.

A helps write the name of the seeds on our popsicle stick markers.

E helps keep our popsicle stick markers organized and full of slobber. (I think the slobber will help the seeds grow better).

Ta Da! The seeds are ready to grow!

So, I was going to list all the seeds we got started today (for future reference), but all we managed to get started was, well, daises and lettuce. We'll keep ya updated on their progress.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

In just a few short weeks, my tomato plants have gone from this:

to this:
The basil is doing very well:

The organic jalapenos do not look so hot (but the bell peppers in the background do!):

I found a cool site that gave directions on how to make pots from newspaper, origami style:

Pretty cool, huh? Here's the link in case you want to try it out yourself:

Origami newspaper pots

Other seeds that I have going:

Lavendar (Jan. 3rd)
Oregano (Jan. 3rd)
Fatalii peppers (Jan. 3rd)
Lemon cucumbers (Jan. 16)

I have 4 different tomatoes (all started Jan. 3rd):
Purple Russian
Green Zebra
Pink Oxheart

My husband just finished installing the last 2 florescent lights on my seed starting shelf. I can't wait to get more seeds going. Every time I walk by the plants, I peek in to see how much more they have grown. I think I did that at least 10 times today.