Tuesday, January 20, 2009

In just a few short weeks, my tomato plants have gone from this:

to this:
The basil is doing very well:

The organic jalapenos do not look so hot (but the bell peppers in the background do!):

I found a cool site that gave directions on how to make pots from newspaper, origami style:

Pretty cool, huh? Here's the link in case you want to try it out yourself:

Origami newspaper pots

Other seeds that I have going:

Lavendar (Jan. 3rd)
Oregano (Jan. 3rd)
Fatalii peppers (Jan. 3rd)
Lemon cucumbers (Jan. 16)

I have 4 different tomatoes (all started Jan. 3rd):
Purple Russian
Green Zebra
Pink Oxheart

My husband just finished installing the last 2 florescent lights on my seed starting shelf. I can't wait to get more seeds going. Every time I walk by the plants, I peek in to see how much more they have grown. I think I did that at least 10 times today.


  1. You're a genius! 10x today? too funny!

  2. Thanks for the origami pot information! Very cool :) Where do you keep your seedlings?

  3. i'm so not at the place to start from seed, but i enjoy reading about it.

  4. Tamara - well I did keep the seedlings on a shelf in my kitchen under florescent lights. Now I just have them outside since the weather is better.
