Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Behind the scenes workers

If you've been to my house, then you've probably seen these, but I haven't shared some of the backyard helpers on my blog yet.

The first 2500 workers (approximately) have been with us for about 3 years. They joined us, not knowing that I had accidentally killed 1000 of their relatives. Well, not me directly. Our lovely Texas heat did. I had placed their home outside (in direct sun - what was I thinking?) and it just got too hot for them. I would like to think that most of the worms escaped somehow and wriggled away to a better life.

I still have the current bin outside, but the heat problem has been remedied by burying it halfway underground. Here is an inside view of our worm bin:

It's almost harvesting time. I use the castings for fertilizer - usually as worm tea. We have 2 bins - the second smaller one is used to hold extra worms, which I allow to multiply then pass on to friends so they can start their own bin.
And sometimes, these guys get used as treats for our next 3 workers:
Our 3 chickens. They are going on their 3rd year with us. We started with five. One died after one year with us (no idea why), and the 2nd one was unfortunately attacked by our dog. These girls reward us with not only eggs, but also with manure, which really adds good, organic stuff to our garden beds.And I'll leave you with a wonderful picture. Thank goodness, no more of our sunflowers have been beheaded. Here's one of our new giant sunflowers blooming:


  1. Did you know that you are just so awesome??

  2. It's because I have awesome friends :-)

  3. I still feel bad about all my worms. I am sure mine moved on to a better place because the kids kept finding them throughout the backyard. I promise I will be a better worm keeper next time.

  4. Jen - this batch is almost ready. I'll be separating some time this week (hopefully). I'll let you know!
