Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Garden critters

The anole lizard. Very common here in our yard. These lizards are usually green, but can sometimes change their colors - we've seen lots of brown ones. We counted 8 of these in our front garden. Here's a link for more info: Anole Lizard

One of our favorite insect critters is the ladybug. This one here is taking a rest on our chile pequin plant.

And, the good 'ole roly poly, or pill bug, or whatever you call them. These things are great amusements for my kids. I remember having a roly poly farm when I was little. And we recently discovered that these little guys love to eat the roots and leaves of newly sprouting bean seeds. We're learnin' something new every day.


  1. Mapi LOVES pill bugs! And ladybugs - that's a cute picture of one in your yard, by the way!

  2. i used to make rolly polly hotels in shoe boxes. even with all the modern accommodations i provided they still would die the next day. hah dont call peta.

    that first photo of the lizard is really cool.

  3. I've always wondered about those pill bugs. Usually they just eat rotting vegetable matter (so would be good guys), but occasionally they go for plants too. I always wonder what makes them switch.

  4. Your pictures are amazing.

    BTW, pillbugs also eat concrete and stuff and they poop as soon as they eat. We love this book.

  5. Thanks Tamara!
    @ Josie - I had hotels for roly polys too! I would enclose them in a shoe box, and then wonder why they weren't moving the next morning, hmmm...

    @Daphne - I guess the compost added into the bed wasn't appetizing enough compared to fresh bean sprouts

    @Dawn - I'm going to get that book from the library - it looks good!

  6. I lost some bean sprouts to pill bugs last summer. So I made "hotels" for them, too. Well, "pubs" would be more accurate. Little sunken cups filled with beer -- they'd flock to them, party all night, and, sadly (for them), not wake up in the morning.
