Or better yet, what is trying to grow. The weather people are expecting lower temps next week - only a high of 95 degrees - woo hoo! I'm tired of these long 100 degree weeks. I want my garden back!
Alright, off my soapbox.
Here are the seeds I started about a month ago. I've been keeping them in trays which I keep filled with about an inch of water, so they stay moist. They also only get morning sun, and they are pretty much shaded after 1pm.

Some peppers - these are cayenne:

The yellow cucumbers are doing surprisingly well:

And here is our cotton plant. I'm hoping to overwinter these guys. Not sure it can be done, but we'll see.

And here is proof of our flood! We are using this to try and solarize the soil and kill the virus that sent our tomato plants to an early death. And for some reason, the kids get a really big kick out of playing on outdoor carpet.
Those are some nice lookin' plants!